@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ export default { |
fileData2: [], |
tableData: [], |
loading: false, |
chimaList: [], |
otherChangeList: [], |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
@ -103,6 +105,8 @@ export default { |
let sheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0]; |
let sheetData = workbook.Sheets[sheetName]; |
let range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(sheetData['!ref']); |
let chima = _.sortBy(_.filter(sheetData["!merges"], o => o.s.r === 2 && o.e.r === 2), o => o.s.c) |
let colRange = [_.get(chima[0], 's.c', 0), _.get(chima[0], 'e.c', 0)] |
// 获取合并单元格的范围信息 |
let mergeRanges = sheetData['!merges']; |
if (!mergeRanges) { |
@ -117,6 +121,19 @@ export default { |
r: rowIndex |
})]; |
let cellContent = ''; |
// 获取尺码 |
if (rowIndex === 3 && colIndex >= colRange[0] && colIndex <= colRange[1]) { |
that.chimaList.push({ |
key: String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt() + colIndex), |
value: XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell) |
}) |
} |
if (rowIndex === 2) { |
that.otherChangeList.push({ |
key: String.fromCharCode("a".charCodeAt() + colIndex), |
value: XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell) |
}) |
} |
if (cell && cell.t) { |
cellContent = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell); |
} |
@ -192,7 +209,6 @@ export default { |
fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file) |
}, |
dealData2(sheetData) { |
let groupObj = _.groupBy(this.fileData1, 'g') |
if (this.fileData1.length === 0) { |
ElMessage({ |
message: `请先导入A表数据`, |
@ -200,104 +216,74 @@ export default { |
}) |
} else { |
try { |
let sdmc = ""//商店名称 |
let xs = ""//箱数 |
let tmt = ""//条码贴 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.otherChangeList.length; i++) { |
let element = this.otherChangeList[i]; |
if (element.value === "商店名称") { |
sdmc = element.key |
} else if (element.value === "箱数") { |
xs = element.key |
} else if (element.value === "条码贴") { |
tmt = element.key |
} |
} |
let groupObj = _.groupBy(this.fileData1, sdmc) |
let itemTemp = [] |
let newData = [] |
for (let key in groupObj) { |
if (key && _.isNumber(Number(key))) { |
let itemList = groupObj[key] || [] |
for (let i = 0; i < this.chimaList.length; i++) { |
let chimaItem = this.chimaList[i]; |
for (let j = 0; j < itemList.length; j++) { |
let storeItem = itemList[j]; |
if (Number(storeItem.j)) { |
if (Number(storeItem[chimaItem.key])) { |
itemTemp.push({ |
g: storeItem.g,//Store |
h: storeItem.h,//Barcode |
f: Number(storeItem.f),//Quantity of containers |
type: "CH",//类型 |
j: Number(storeItem.j),//Quantity per container(CH) |
k: 0,//Quantity per container(M) |
l: 0,//Quantity per container(G) |
m: 0//Quantity per container(EG) |
[sdmc]: storeItem[sdmc],//Store |
[tmt]: storeItem[tmt],//Barcode |
[xs]: Number(storeItem[xs]),//Quantity of containers |
type: chimaItem.value,//类型 |
[chimaItem.key]: Number(storeItem[chimaItem.key]),//Quantity per container(CH) |
typeKey: chimaItem.key, |
}) |
} |
} |
for (let j = 0; j < itemList.length; j++) { |
let storeItem = itemList[j]; |
if (Number(storeItem.k)) { |
itemTemp.push({ |
g: storeItem.g,//Store |
h: storeItem.h,//Barcode |
f: Number(storeItem.f),//Quantity of containers |
type: "M",//类型 |
j: 0,//Quantity per container(CH) |
k: Number(storeItem.k),//Quantity per container(M) |
l: 0,//Quantity per container(G) |
m: 0//Quantity per container(EG) |
}) |
} |
} |
for (let j = 0; j < itemList.length; j++) { |
let storeItem = itemList[j]; |
if (Number(storeItem.l)) { |
itemTemp.push({ |
g: storeItem.g,//Store |
h: storeItem.h,//Barcode |
f: Number(storeItem.f),//Quantity of containers |
type: "G",//类型 |
j: 0,//Quantity per container(CH) |
k: 0,//Quantity per container(M) |
l: Number(storeItem.l),//Quantity per container(G) |
m: 0//Quantity per container(EG) |
}) |
} |
} |
for (let j = 0; j < itemList.length; j++) { |
let storeItem = itemList[j]; |
if (Number(storeItem.m)) { |
itemTemp.push({ |
g: storeItem.g,//Store |
h: storeItem.h,//Barcode |
f: Number(storeItem.f),//Quantity of containers |
type: "EG",//类型 |
j: 0,//Quantity per container(CH) |
k: 0,//Quantity per container(M) |
l: 0,//Quantity per container(G) |
m: Number(storeItem.m)//Quantity per container(EG) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < itemTemp.length; i++) { |
let firstItem = itemTemp[i]; |
let hasBarcodeIndex = _.findIndex(sheetData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem.g && _.trim(o.Barcode)) |
let noBarcodeIndex = _.findIndex(sheetData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem.g && !_.trim(o.Barcode)) |
let hasBarcodeIndex = _.findIndex(sheetData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem[sdmc] && _.trim(o.Barcode)) |
let noBarcodeIndex = _.findIndex(sheetData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem[sdmc] && !_.trim(o.Barcode)) |
if (hasBarcodeIndex !== -1) { |
let hasBarcode = sheetData[hasBarcodeIndex] |
// 修改原来的值 |
hasBarcode["Barcode"] = firstItem.h |
hasBarcode["Quantity of containers"] += firstItem.f |
hasBarcode["Quantity to deliver"] += firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
hasBarcode["Quantity per container"] = firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
let newItem = _.find(newData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem.g && _.trim(o.Barcode)) |
hasBarcode["Barcode"] = firstItem[tmt] |
hasBarcode["Quantity of containers"] += firstItem[xs] |
hasBarcode["Quantity to deliver"] += firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
hasBarcode["Quantity per container"] = firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
let newItem = _.find(newData, o => _.startsWith(`${o.Description}`, `VESTIDO DISNEY DTR, ${firstItem.type}, AZUL MARINO WKM`) && o.Store === firstItem[sdmc] && _.trim(o.Barcode)) |
// 修改新添加的值 |
newItem["Quantity of containers"] += firstItem.f |
newItem["Quantity to deliver"] += firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
newItem["Quantity of containers"] += firstItem[xs] |
newItem["Quantity to deliver"] += firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
// 再新增一条数据 |
newData.push({ |
...hasBarcode, |
"Barcode": firstItem.h, |
"Barcode": firstItem[tmt], |
"Quantity of containers": "", |
"Quantity to deliver": "", |
"Quantity per container": firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
"Quantity per container": firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
}) |
} |
if (noBarcodeIndex !== -1) { |
let noBarcode = sheetData[noBarcodeIndex] |
// 修改原有的值 |
noBarcode["Barcode"] = firstItem.h |
noBarcode["Quantity of containers"] = firstItem.f |
noBarcode["Quantity to deliver"] = firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
noBarcode["Quantity per container"] = firstItem.j || firstItem.k || firstItem.l || firstItem.m || 0 |
noBarcode["Barcode"] = firstItem[tmt] |
noBarcode["Quantity of containers"] = firstItem[xs] |
noBarcode["Quantity to deliver"] = firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
noBarcode["Quantity per container"] = firstItem[firstItem.typeKey] |
newData.push({ |
...noBarcode, |
}) |
@ -321,8 +307,8 @@ export default { |
let tableHeader = [] |
let tableData = [] |
let widthObj = { |
"Order":105, |
"Sku":165, |
"Order": 105, |
"Sku": 165, |
// "Description":126, |
"Type of merchandise": 100, |
"Quantity to deliver": 100, |